4 thoughts on “The Lecturer Track

  1. Thank you, this is very useful.
    I specifically I appreciate the updated description for Lectures and Senior Lectures roles on campus and believe it is reflective. I also think it clarifies the path for Lectures to strive toward Senior Lectures which I think was needed.

  2. For all these titles, there should be clear definitions of how a lecturer etc differs from the Professor RTE titles. It seems as if definitions for Professor in Practice (engagement) overlaps with Extension Associate (outreach) and a Professor title is more desirable. Clarity on being able to have graduate students, serve as a PI on a grant is also desirable.
    The conditions of employment (e.g. renewal, non-renewal, evaluation) should be as uniform as possible between the titles.
    Perhaps everyone employed as faculty at the University should be called a professor: Professor of Teaching, Professor of Diagnostics, Professor of Extension. It would make a lot of people happier and more satisfied with their jobs.

  3. The job description does not fit my experience of many Senior Lecturers across across campus or their job descriptions. Many of us have job descriptions requiring Ph.D.’s, teaching, Sponsored research, and publication in top academic referee journals. Many of them do engaged learning directly connecting their teaching to their research, or going one step further and engaging students directly as research assistants on the project. These senior lecturers are typically at the top of the awards list, not just for teaching and mentoring in their college and university, but also for research, within the university and their field. Cornell Media regular relies on Senior Lecturers because they have done cutting-edge research, research that informs their teaching and makes them better faculty members.

    This all goes to say that there are faculty members who do not fit any title and job description currently listed on this website. We are not clinical professors because our colleges do not offer clinics, we are not professors of practice because we have long-term appointments, And we are neither seen your lectures nor senior researchers because both research and teaching are a significant component of our job descriptions. There needs to be a title for those of us who do both research and teaching that recognizes that we are something more than either a senior researcher or a senior lecturer.

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