3.6 RTE Cap Modification Procedure

If a College wants to liberalize its existing percent limitation constraints, then they are required to submit a proposal to CAPP that has these attributes:

A. It identifies the subset of RTE titles whose combined numbers are to be subject to the percent limitation.   The current occupancy numbers are given for those titles, other RTE titles, and the various ranks of tenure-track faculty.

B. It specifies the criteria that must be satisfied if any of its departments in the college are allowed to exceed the limitation constraint.

C. It explains why the current percent limitation constraints are no longer relevant or appropriate, providing historical data as appropriate. In the case of teaching appointments, information about teaching loads and its impact on the TT faculty is useful. Give an analysis of the expected change in the number of RTE instructors vs tenure track instructors that a student will see as a major.

D. It puts the proposed request in perspective by describing corresponding policies and levels at peer schools.

E. It confirms that none of the RTE positions in question replicate the functions of positions ordinarily held by tenured or tenure-track faculty.

F. It confirms that additional RTE positions that are made possible by the relaxation of the percent limitation does not detract in any way from the potential for adding tenured or tenure-track positions in the college. A discussion of funding sources for these new positions could be an important part of that discussion.

G. It specifies which titles of the RTE positions will have College voting rights and the conditions under which their voting rights do not apply (For example, RTE faculty should not vote on issues related to tenure and promotion).

As much as possible, the new proposed percent limitation constraint should be shown to be consistent with the college’s current strategic direction (preferably as documented in the unit’s strategic plan).

There must be evidence that sections A through F of the proposal were reviewed and discussed by the faculty before there was a vote, and the vote results should be included in the document that is sent to CAPP. Separate tabulations are required for University Faculty and those RTE faculty who have voting rights in the college (Yes/No/Abstain/DNV). The Senate will only consider the proposal if the number of TT (tenured and tenure track) Faculty who vote is at least two-thirds the total number of TT faculty in the unit and at least one-half of all the TT faculty in the unit voted positive. Likewise, it must be the case that the number of RTE faculty who voted is at least two-thirds the total number of eligible RTE faculty in the unit  and at least one-half of all the eligible RTE faculty in the unit voted  positive.

CAPP deliberations could include a dialog with the sponsoring college as required. CAPP’s report to the Senate should include the results of a committee vote (Yes/No/Abstain/DNV).

Once a year CAPP will review the tenure track faculty and RTE populations numbers provided by IRP and confirm to the Senate that the approved percent limitations are being followed.

In no case will a proposal be considered if the relaxed percent limitation makes it possible for the number of RTE faculty with voting rights to exceed the number of TT faculty in the college.

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