2017-18 September 20

  1. Selection of Speaker (C. Van Loan)  [1 min]
  2. Call to Order  (C. Walcott)  [1 min]
  3. Remarks and Q&A with President Pollack   [25 min]
  4. Guidelines for Political Campaign Activity on Campus (Vice President J. Malina)  [15 min]
    1. Proposed policy
    2. Comparison with policies from 1970 and 2008.
  5. A Proposed New Process for Awarding Emeritus/a Status  (C. Van Loan)  [15 min]
    1. Posted Legislation
    2. Background
    3. Slides
  6. Towards an Improved Faculty-Student Consensual Relationships Policy
    1. Graduate Student Perspective  (A. Waymack )  [15 minutes]
    2. Proposed Process (C. Van Loan)  [10 minutes]
    1. Announcements and Short Topics  (C. Van Loan)   [as time permits]
        1. New calendar, faculty handbook project, 2016 Work-Life Survey, Election

Meeting Minutes


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