Overview of the Intergroup Dialogue Project

The Official IDP Website

The project presents opportunities for students, faculty, and staff.

For Undergraduate Students:

  1. A mandatory Community at Cornell   program that is required of all incoming undergraduate students.
  2. Educ 2610  Intergroup Dialogue is three-credit, peer-facilitated course that brings together participants from different backgrounds to explore topics related to social identities (disability, gender, nationality, race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc.) in more depth, while engaging in meaningful dialogue across difference. Assessment framework.
  3. Educ 4826 Leading Dialogue Across Difference The intercultural skills gained in the course enable students to take on facilitative, leadership roles in a wide variety of settings. In addition to facilitating EDUC 2610, our trained facilitators also facilitate dialogue sessions for various students groups and departments, including Cornell Minds Matter, the Student Assembly, the Prefreshman Summer Program, Residential Advisors, and the Public Service Center, among many others.
  4. A Workshop Program that can be utilized by student organizations.

For Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Students:

  1. Intergroup Dialogue for Graduate Students & Postdoctoral Scholars. Provides a process for participants to explore their social identities, to practice communication across difference, and to think together about authentic diversity in academia.
  2. NBA 6870: Leading Across Differences: Understanding Identity, Dialogue, and Influence Open only to JGSM students. Content is similar to the preceding program.
  3. Advising Across Difference A course for academic advising staff.
  4. Building Connections Through Dialogue A program for faculty and staff.
  5. A Workshop Program that can be utilized by departments and other academic units.


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