Procedure If the Authority is a Staff Member or Postgraduate

  1. The allegation is  immediately shared with the  6.x Office and the Chair of the authority’s department, hereafter referred to as “the group”. (If the faculty member is part of a center and not a department, then the center director plays the role of chair. If the chair or center director is  involved in the allegation, then suitable substitutes must be found.)
  2. The 6.x Office initiates an investigation to determine whether the allegations are correct. It shares the results with the group once the investigation has concluded.
  3. If the allegation involves a failure to disclose or noncompliance with the recusal plan, then corrective steps without sanctions may be an option.  If the group is unanimous in this belief, then those corrective steps are communicated in a letter to the authority with a copy sent to  the Dean of the authority’s college. The 6.x Office will ascertain through periodic check-ins that these corrective steps are being followed and may reinitiate this process if necessary.
  4. Unless the option in the previous step is exercised, the group recommends a  sanction and conveys it to the Dean.  Possible sanctions include mandatory training, suspension for a specified period of time, limitation of access to students of all genders, and dismissal.
  5. The Dean of the authority’s college enacts those sanctions, or enacts alternative sanctions providing a written rationale that is communicated to the group.
  6. The authority may initiate an appeal procedure.
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