Resolution 7: Diversity and Inclusion Statement from the Campus Climate Committee

Passed: December 8, 1999
Sponsor: Campus Climate Committee
Senate Discussions: November 1999


WHEREAS, “It is the policy of Cornell University actively to support equality of educational and employment opportunity,” and

WHEREAS, a commitment to diversity and inclusiveness is a commitment to all students and employees, and

WHEREAS, the Campus Climate Committee has prepared a statement to proudly highlight Cornell’s identity as a richly diverse and inclusive land grant university, striving for excellence in a framework of academic freedom and respect,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate approves the Statement on Diversity and Inclusiveness and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the adoption of the statement be widely publicized to all segments of the community including the Assemblies, the Board of Trustees, as well as included in University publications where appropriate.



Open Doors, Open Hearts, and Open Minds:

Cornell’s Statement on Diversity and Inclusiveness


Open Doors

“I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study.” This statement, made by Ezra Cornell in 1865, proclaims Cornell University’s enduring commitment to inclusion and opportunity which is rooted in the shared democratic values envisioned by its founders. We honor this legacy of diversity and inclusion and welcome all individuals, including those from groups that have been historically marginalized and previously excluded from equal access to opportunity.


Open Hearts

Cornell’s mission is to foster personal discovery and growth, nurture scholarship and creativity across a broad range of common knowledge and affirm the value to individuals and society of the cultivation of the human mind and spirit. Our legacy is reflected in the diverse composition of our community, the breadth of our curriculum, the strength of our public service, and the depth of our commitment to freedom, equity, and reason. Each member of the Cornell community has a responsibility to honor this legacy and to support a more diverse and inclusive campus in which to work, study, teach, research, and serve.


Open Minds

Free expression is essential to this mission, and provocative ideas lawfully presented are an expected result. An enlightened academic community, however, connects freedom with responsibility. Cornell stands for civil discourse, reasoned thought, sustained discussion and constructive engagement without degrading, abusing, harassing, or silencing others. Cornell is committed to act responsibly and forthrightly to maintain an environment that opens doors, opens hearts and opens minds.


N.B. Cornell University’s Policies on Equality of Educational and Employment Opportunity and the Campus Code of Conduct outline expectations and processes regarding matters of affirmative action and diversity.


BACKGROUND: (first version)

Open Doors, Open Hearts, and Open Minds:

Cornell’s Statement on Diversity and Inclusiveness

Open Doors

“I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study.” This statement, made by Ezra Cornell in 1865, proclaims Cornell University’s enduring commitment to inclusion and opportunity which is rooted in the shared democratic values envisioned by its founders. We honor this legacy of diversity and inclusion and [affirm our policy of non-discrimination and] welcome all individuals, including those from groups that have been historically marginalized and previously excluded from equal access to opportunity.


Open Hearts

 Cornell’s mission is to foster personal discovery and growth, nurture scholarship and creativity across a broad range of common knowledge and affirm the value to individuals and society of the cultivation of the human mind and spirit. [It defines our resolve to attract and welcome individuals from every segment of society.] Our legacy is reflected in the diverse composition of our community, the breadth of our curriculum, the strength of our public service, and the depth of our commitment to freedom, equity, and reason. Each member of the Cornell community has a responsibility to honor this legacy and to support a more diverse and inclusive campus in which to work, study, teach, research, and serve.


Open Minds

Free expression is essential to this mission, and provocative ideas lawfully presented are an expected result. [However,] An enlightened academic community, however, connects freedom with responsibility. Cornell stands for civil discourse, reasoned thought, sustained discussion and constructive engagement without degrading, abusing, [or] harassing or silencing others. Cornell is committed to act responsibly and forthrightly to maintain [maintaining a supportive] an environment that opens doors, opens hearts and opens minds.


In light of the racial harassment incidents which occurred last year on campus, the Campus Climate Committee adopted this statement after incorporating feedback from several individuals and groups on campus. Once approved the committee will encourage use of this statement in university publications, and other educational media to create and institutionalize a respectful, inclusive diverse campus community.


N.B. Cornell University’s Policies on Equality of Educational and Employment Opportunity and the Campus Code of Conduct outline expectations and processes regarding matters of affirmative action and diversity.



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