3.3 Meetings

3.3.1  Scheduling

Meetings of the University Faculty shall be called by the Dean:Upon the request of the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, or the President; of Trustees, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, or the President;

(a) Upon the request of the Senate

(b) Upon the request of the University Faculty Committee

(c) Upon the written petition to the Dean of voting members of the Faculty, equal in number to one-half of the required quorum for such a meeting

(d) Upon all of the Dean, to consider a proposal to postpone or nullify an action of the Senate in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article XII

(e) Upon call of the Dean, to act in an emergency.

3.3.2  Agenda

At a meeting of the Faculty, any matter may be brought forward which is properly the concern of the Faculty, but priority shall be given to the matters specified in the call of the meeting.

3.3.3  Quorum

(a)  Ordinary Business. Except as provided in paragraph b hereof, a quorum for meetings of the Faculty shall be ten percent of the voting members of the Faculty.

(b)   Extraordinary Business.  If a meeting is called to consider postponing or nullifying an action of the Senate under Article XII, or if it is proposed to take such action at any regular meeting, a quorum shall be twenty percent of the voting members of the University Faculty.

(c)  Failure to Obtain Quorum.  In the absence of a quorum, those present may receive reports, may discuss matters without voting on them, and may set the date and time for an adjourned meeting, but shall transact no other business.

3.3.4 Rules of Procedure

Except as otherwise provided herein, or in special rules adopted by the Faculty, the rules set forth in the then current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, to the extent applicable, shall govern the debates, votes, and other actions at all meetings  of the Faculty. Nonvoting members of the Faculty may attend and participate in debates, but may not vote.

3.3.5 Visitors

Visitors may be admitted to meetings of the Faculty. A decision to open or close meetings to visitors will be made by majority vote of the University Faculty Committee when it establishes the agenda for each meeting, either to admit accredited members of the press or other public media, without discrimination, or a limited number of other visitors, or both, for all or a portion of a meeting. The decision of the University Faculty Committee concerning a particular meeting may be appealed by a motion properly made and seconded at the meeting in question. A majority vote of the voting members present constituting the quorum shall be sufficient to amend, modify, or reverse the decision of the University Faculty Committee concerning the status of visitors at the meeting. If visitors are admitted, they shall sit in the gallery, or otherwise apart from the main body of the meeting, and shall not be permitted to participate in  the debates but, if it is so authorized by the decision admitting them to the meeting,  they may be permitted by the presiding officer to address the meeting.

3.3.6 Records

The official record of each University Faculty meeting shall be kept by the Secretary who may use whatever means he or she finds appropriate to prepare an accurate record of the proceedings. All other participants  (members,  visitors, etc.) are prohibited from photographing, sound recording, video taping, or using any other electronic means to record the proceedings.

Source: The Organization and Procedures of the University Faculty, pages 15-16.

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