What the Colleges Say About Department Deliberations

The complete master dossier, with external letters, will be made available to the department’s tenured professors for their review.

At least one collective meeting of the tenured professors will be held to discuss the case. Members of the P&T Committee will be in attendance to participate in and witness the nature of the discussion.


Faculty on leave may wish not to participate in the tenure review if they are insufficiently informed of the deliberations within the department; their decisions not to participate should be noted in the final tally. All other tenured faculty are expected to attend the meeting at which the candidate’s qualifications are discussed, to vote yay, nay, or formally abstain, and to provide a written explanation of this vote in a letter to the department chair.


This review by tenured members of the department can take various forms.

The dossier must be available to all faculty taking part in the review and must be present at the meeting(s) where the candidate’s promotion is discussed. The college requires that the opinion of every tenured faculty member in the department be sought, that a meeting of tenured faculty be held to discuss the candidate’s qualifications, and that a vote
by secret ballot of the tenured faculty be obtained and recorded. Those faculty participating in the tenure review but who cannot attend the meeting of tenured faculty must submit advisory votes before the meeting, accompanied by a rationale, which is to be read at the meeting to further discussion of the case.


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